Ever dreamed of starting your own beauty business? This is the perfect combo for you!
Our online beauty courses combined with The Beauty Setup program is going to get you qualified in your service of choice & then set you up with everything you need to know to get your business up & running!
This is the qualification as well as the business setup knowledge, there are so many beauty and lash courses on the market but nothing that takes you as in depth as this does into what you actually need to do after you're certified!
So much value in here it's absolutely insane, you won't find this anywhere else!
Your choice of 1x of our range of beauty courses
(Please refer to the specific course page you’re choosing for more description and details)
What you'll get:
*Access to the online learning content, start study at home in your own time.
*Theory training manual
*Video content to watch
* Lifelong support, advice & help.
* Full kit with everything you need to start practicing straight away
Depending which course you are interested in will depend on your price point as they range from $300-$2,000
The Beauty Setup Coaching Program
This is where i share my 12 years worth of knowledge to teach you what's worked for me and what hasn’t.
Perfect for anyone about to or wanting to start any kind of beauty business that already has or is planning to get a qualification in a service/s.
Give you all the shortcuts so you can take the easy road! Don't take years to setup, dissolve time & be ready as soon as you finish this program!
Learn the ins & outs of starting your own beauty business!
Everything there is to know, Leave feeling equipped & ready to roll full steam ahead!
No more feeling unsure, lost or confused going into business.
Immediate access to video trainings
Self paced, full access for life!
1 on 1 voice support with ME! (This can be used on whatever you feel called to work on or have support on)
Private Facebook support group
1- Qualifications, location, tools & materials
2- Insurances, council registration, ABN & accountant
3- Sole trader or staff, hours & pricing
4- Bookings & payments
5- Socials, aesthetics & appearance
Please feel free to contact me via email, the contact form on the site, Facebook or Instagram if you have any other questions.